Great Starting Ideas For the New Real Estate Investor

12/09/2013 08:51

Great Starting Tips For that New Real Estate Investor

In his meeting with me, John Paul Moses, who's the founding father of our Local Memphis Investors Group, was prepared to give us some tips about how to start as a real estate investor. After studying “Rich Dad, Poor Dead” by Robert Kiyosaki he chose to start being a real estate investor. The guide says to do this you need some planning, so he went along to the Net and stacked just of data from the news organizations, posts and discussion forums. By the period he started a lengthy phrase friendship with Matt Scott who works an excellent website called That is how he learned this is of the term “escrow” and what the huge difference was between a trust and a mortgage and real estate basic terminology. The Net could be one studying soil. If you purchase a real estate course you have to be careful. The primary course John Paul bought was in his opinion the worst real estate course and never did an offer from knowledge gained in that course. But at the least he learned spending $400 and real estate terms on that course proved to him that he was willing to invest in his to start investing in real estate

David Paul started by making a story in a Sunday paper only saying “real estate people collection starting, for information give me a call” and he set a cell phone number there for individuals to contact him. At their first meeting they were about 16 people. He stood facing those people telling them that he never done a real estate deal but he was there to understand and make sure that they had those meetings. They needed a leader and he took the initiative of being their 1st president. getting started in real estate .Since that time the organization increased to more than 500 members. Now they're a complete fledged non-profit real estate investors association with more than 150 members in the Memphis area and since 2002 John Paul is a real estate investing guy. He stepped down as the leader and he's now serving as the executive director of the group. All the deals he has done indirectly contain someone from the real estate investors association, if they were a customer or a vendor, money partner or whatever the case could be. Start because they are real people working with people in your club. You should think who the buyers are if they've real cash or if they've access to the hard money. Therefore, everything you have to do is to choose only those motivated persons and build your self a great system of effective people to work with and the investor groups are great places to find those people.